Founded in 1952.
The Faculty of Foreign Languages founded in 1952, ranks as one of the largest units in this field in Russia.
Presently it trains specialist in Linguistics and Intercultural
Communication and offers the following educational programs: linguist - a teacher of English and German, linguist - a teacher of German and English, linguist - a teacher of German and German Literature, linguist - a teacher of French and English.
The efficiency of the academic programs is ensured by the highly qualified teachers of the Faculty, the majority of whom are Doctors and Candidates of Science, professors, experts, who, as a rule, more than once mastered their knowledge of language abroad.
Educational and laboratory facilities of the Faculty also enhance the competitiveness of its education. The Faculty library houses over 10 thousand books in foreign languages. It has a Learning Resources Center, adequate technical equipment and computer classes.
The Faculty provides a proper environment for continuing professional development for its graduates through Magistracy, Post-Graduate Course and a Candidate Dissertation Council on Germanic Languages.
The Faculty has a large experience in international collaboration in educational area: long term relations have been established with the Universities of Germany, France and the US.
Within the framework of this activity there are annual exchange programs of students and professors. Foreign specialists are included into the teaching - learning process and help create an atmosphere of multi - cultural environment.
Practically every year, both students and professors of the Faculty are nominated among the winners of the international grant competitions for study and work abroad.
The students of the Faculty combine education with different extracurricular activities.:
Some of them are members of the ballet-group "Inspiration", jazz ensemble "Lady Blues", sport clubs or some other hobby-groups.