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Hello, I am a high school student in Minden, Nevada, USA. I am doing an assignment in my Honors English class about the history of the English language. Part of the assignment is to interview a person that has learned English as a second language (Any age, any level of speaking, just as long as English was not the native language of the person). So, if you have learned English as a second (Or third, or fourth) language, I would appreciate your response to these questions.
- First off, where do you live (Or where are you from) and what is your native language?
- How long have been learning (Or speaking) English, and how old were you when you started?
- How did you learn English?
- How fluent would you say you are?
- Do you have trouble with pronounication or grammar or spelling (Or did you)?
- How well do you read, speak, and write English?
- What did you find the easiest part about learning English? What about the hardest part?
- Have you ever been misunderstood by someone due to pronounciation or saying the wrong word (Or the other way around, where you had a had time that you thought someone else was saying something totally different)?
- Why did you learn English (For fun, for work, moved to English-speaking area, for school, etc.)?
- Are there any kinds of similarities betwen the two languages?
- If you know any other languages besides your native language and English, could you please comment on them as well?
- Is there anything you'd like to add (Something in your native language, something related to language you may wish to add, or even questions about English for me, or just comment about anything)?
Thank you. Also, please e-mail me the response, as I need them by 29-9-96, and my newsserver isn't very reliable and doesn't pick up all the notes.
Again, thank you,
Thomas Schrantz
(PS: I apologize if I have posted in an incorrect group where this might be percieved as off topic. I have attempted to only post it to groups where it might be relevant. I also apologize if you happened to recieve two copies of this note. A server mistook it for junk-mail spam and cancelled it, so I had to send it again.)
PS: If what you have to say to me is important, please mail a response.
My news server is crap and loses over half the notes.
Thomas Schrantz - - kalrac@palace.or
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