





Afghan community in Altai

Afghanistan today

Greater Altai



Current CRS Staff includes:

Vladimir Boyko is CRS Research Director, and Assoc Prof of Modern Asian Studies at the Department of History, BSPU. He teaches general course "The East in XX century" and some special courses on Central Asia and Afghanistan. V. Boyko is also student research coordinator at the Department of History. The scope of his investigation includes XXth century Afghanistan and Central Asia, Diaspora studies (Chinese, Korean, Afghan communities, etc).

Valery Barmin is Managing Co-Director of the Center, and Assoc Prof of World History at the Department of History. He teaches general course "The West in XX century" and some special courses on Fascism and Soviet-Chinese relations. V.Barmin is also acting Chair of World Studies at the Department of History. His main research interest focuses on Soviet-Xinjiang relations in 1918-1949.

Tamara Shemetova is CRS research associate, and Assist Prof of Asian Studies. She teaches general course "The East in XVII- early XX". T.Shemetova is also Vice-Dean, Department of History. The focus of her current research is Russian-Chinese economic ties in XIX-early XX.

Yulia Guzhvenko PhD student at Barnaul State Pedagogical University, research assistant of Center for Regional studies "Russia and the East". The field of her research is inter-ethnic attitudes in Eastern Kazakhstan. Her dissertation is focused on migrations and ethno-social processes in Eastern Kazakhstan (late soviet and post-soviet times).

Anna Kalinina a postgraduate of History department, a research assistant of the laboratory "Russia and Orient". The research field is The historiography of the Soviet Union’s policy in Xinjiang in XX century, Central Asian Region in the system of the international relationships.Hobby: painting


Last modified 5 May 2005