




Afghan community in Altai

Afghanistan today

Greater Altai




Shughnan Rebellion of 1925

Document ¹1.

On behalf of the residents of Afghan Shughnan to comrades staying in power at Dushanbe


Because our oppression, offences, and violence by Afghans overstepped the limits we can bear, and at the moment, when our brothers in Tajik Soviet Republic may live quietly and forwardly, yet last year we had petitioned to comrades staying in command at Dushanbe, to accept all of us to Soviet citizenship so as to save us from oppression and violations by Afghans. Our petition to Khorogh Soviet authorities didn't have any consequences. Orally we were assumed: just start the struggle against Afghans, and than we lend a helping hand. This year Afghan oppression had been strengthened. Many from our ranks were killed. In the force of this we, in all about 8 thousands men, women and kids, left our places and are seeking protection by Tajik Soviet republic... and again we receive the same reply: let start the struggle against Afghans, and than we support you. Being not satisfied with the given reply by Khorogh comrades, we approach you, comrades, with the request to liberate us from Afghan chains, and to accept in USSR as an equal citizens. We haven't anymore forces to endure the Afghan oppression. Precisely two months ago we came in to this side of Amy and stay at this mountain area, where only grass is growing. And there aren't any reply to our petition. Addressing the given written petition to you, comrades in command at Dushanbe, we are still awaiting, that you'll help us to be liberated from Afghan oppression and permit us to live in USSR as your brothers and citizens. We also expect, that you get back our lands, so as we'll work safely as an equal citizens. ... By the moment the modest supplies we brought with us, already finished, ... the majority of us are aksakals and kids, - all of the men between 14 - 30 were forcefully conscripted to Afghan army. ... So, we are totally depending now from your good will, - to accept or reject our request and given petition. 1304 hijra, 19 ashura.

Signatures are followed.

Document ¹2


We, undersigned, the residents of Afghan Shughnan, the area located between Qala-e-Bashar, from one side, and Chansoor - Rushan, from another side, being reduced to despair by Afghan oppression, decided to seek for Soviet protection. For fulfilling this mission we decided to put our written petition to our aksakal Mahram Bek and direct him as our warrant person, to Dushanbe to comrades in command at TASR for delivering it and holding all necessary negotiations. Everything, that the mentioned Mahram Bek will report and make on behalf of us, is right, and not arguable by us. 1304, 19 ashura.

Aksakal Insara - a stamp

Dowlet Bek ibn Alef Bek, etc.

The Russian Center for Preservation and Exploration of Documents of Recent History, Collection 62, list 2, file 243, pp. .53 - 55, 61. Both these texts, Petition and Entrust/Verdict, a translation from Persian into Russian, were attached to Soviet diplomatic correspondence. The above appendixes is a re-translation from Russian into English by Vladimir Boyko. The same Soviet source also calculated the social struc ture of undersigned:

Aksakals 13
Clergy 13
a/ Halifas (Ismailis) 3
b/ Mullahs 4
c/ Seyyids 5
d/ Imams 2
e/ Hojas 3
Arbabs 17
Dowlets 6
Mirzas 3
Shah-e (the members of old Tajik clans) 25

Note: all listed titles, explanatory remarks, as well wrong summing number of clergy are by Soviet diplomatic source.

Last modified 16 September 2000.