





Afghan community in Altai

Afghanistan today

Greater Altai



International Conference "Siberia-Asia"

An International Conference "Siberia in Trans-Asiatic Ties: The Issues of Cross-Border Trade and Inter-Regional Cooperation" in conjunction with 3rd International Exhibition-Fair "Siberia - Asia: Collaboration Without Borders" will be held on October 31 - November 2, 2000. Conference setting: this event will be held in the city of Barnaul - administrative and cultural center of Altai region with about 700 thousands population, located at the crossroads of Asiatic Russia and abroad Central Asia (Mongolia, Kazakhstan, PRC).

Conference organizers are the Center of Regional Studies at Barnaul State Pedagogical University, Altai regional government, Altai branch of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Russian Federation), and JSC Exhibition Society "Altai Fair" (http://www.altfair.ru).

The main aim of this conference is to examine the historical, legal, financial, etc. dimensions of trade and other patterns of socio-economical collaboration within new-borning framework Western Siberia (Altai region) - China - Central Asia.

The conference targets about 100 participants from academia, government bodies, NGOs, business, media. It will comprise about 50 papers presented in plenary session, several paper sessions and "round table" about the current state and challenges of cross-border trade/inter-regional collaboration within area Altai (Russian Federation) - Xinjiang (PRC) - post-Soviet Central Asia (CIS). The speakers on relate topics broadly defined (for instance, those covered Greater Central Asia or even other parts of world experience) are also encouraged to take part.

The working languages of conference will be Russian and English.

Sub-themes (proposed):

  • Siberia in Trans-Asiatic Ties before Soviet rule: the main features (patterns, routes, goods flows, etc) of trade-economical inter-connection;
  • Siberia - Central Asia: inter-regional/cross-border ties under Soviet rule;
  • Asiatic Russia - Asian Abroad: the creation and current state of new trade-economical frameworks;
  • Cross-border trade of Altai and neighboring territories/states of CIS and Distant Abroad: legal, organizational, etc. dimensions, challenges and accomplishments;
  • Border cities/settlements: the main features of administrative/legal status and socio-economical life at the eve of XXIst century.

All participants who intend to deliver papers should send their abstracts due 25th September 2000. Abstracts should be formatted as computer file in Word/RTF, 12 Times New Roman, interval 1,5, up to 6 A4 pages in length, with references at the end of text, in Russian or English, and indicate: title of paper, name and institutional affiliation of author. Submissions by e-mail are encouraged. The applicants would be informed about the acceptance of their papers soon after receipt, but not later 20th September 2000, and the official letters of invitation would be sent to speakers and interested participants.

The Registration Fee for overseas participants is $40 and it covers a copy of conference proceedings, coffee-breaks, cultural program and closing reception. Fees should be paid in person, after arrival and registration.

Travel, accommodation and meals are paid by participants themselves, though the financial support may be offered to participants from Soros Foundation network countries of CIS, East/Central Europe and Central Asia (an appropriate application by Organizers is under consideration).

Please direct your inquiries and requests to:

Dr Vladimir Boyko
Research Director Center for Regional Studies
Barnaul State Pedagogical University
Molodezhnaya Street 55
Barnaul 656031 Russia
Fax: 7(3852) 260836
Tel.: 7(3852) 266687
E-mail: boyko@bspu.secna.ru

Last modified 18 September 2000