Course study and historiography of Central Asia
Boronin O.V. P.I.Shelegin's Diary as the source on the history of Altai double-tributaries the first half of XVIII
Kurnykina G.I. I.P. Shangin's "Daily Notices" as a source on the history of Kazakhstan in XIX
Turaev Kh. "The Diary of the fourth journey of Amir Abd-ul-Ahad to Petersburg (1906) as a source on the history
of Russian-Bukharan relations of early XX
Pugovkina O.G. The Fate of historiographic legacy of Russian Orientalist Nil Lykoshine
Barmin K.V. The politics of USA and Great Britain towards Xinjiang in 1930s - 1940s: the sources of study
Germanov V.A. New historical paradigm for Uzbekistan in early XXI
Ghulamova G. Civil society and historical memory
Domestic development and international relations in Central Asia
and bordering territories: past and present
Borodaev V.B., Kontev A.V. The start of industrial exploitation of Ore Altai by A.N.Demidov in 1726
Bezvikonnaya E.V. The politics of Russian empire towards steppe areas of Western Siberia in XVIII -
XIX: searching for alternatives
Kuznetsova A.V. M.I.Venyukov on the entry of Amur Valley and Primorye to Russian empire
Gafurov A.G. On the history of Russian-Bukharan relations in late XIX - early XX
Ozerova N.G. Early Soviet economic politics and its consequences in Turkistan (1917 - 1920)
Skorupinskaya N.V. On the history of Soviet-Chinese border trade (1925 exibition in Kharbin case)
Boyko V.S. The inter-elite fighting in Afghanistan in early 1930s: Nadir Shah's regime against Amanists
Tikhonov Yu.N. Ghulam Siddique Charkhi against Yahya-khel dynasty in Afghanistan (1930 - 1941)
Chereshneva L.A. Lord Linlitgow - viceroy of British India (1936 - 1943
Uvarov G.V. German-Japanese tensions in China at the eve of WWII
Azarenko Yu.A. Geopolitical aspects of the problem of Tibet's self-determination and "Taiwan issue"
Knyazev A.A. The dynamic of military-political situation in Afghanistan in spring - summer 2003 and
some aspects of Central Asian security
Dunditsh A.S. The problems of integration in post-soviet Central Asia
Qadirova M.T. The prospects of Central Asian integration
Bournakova E. Political and economic realities of Aral ecological catastrophe
Gladkih A.I. Rubtsovsk - Kazakhstan: the features of economic interrelation in post-WWII period
Seleznev S.V. Strategic directions of external economic activities in Altai region
Nozhkin S.Yu. The state and prospects of border cooperation in Altai region in the light of European experience
Ethno-confessional issues
Kushnerik R.A. The adaptation of Buddist culture in Mountain Altai: the main stages
Sushko P.N. The elements of Buddist culture in Eastern Kazakhstan (on new exhibits of Eatern Kazakhstan
oblast ethnographic museum)
Krutova N.V. Jewish holy things in Semipalatinsk
Asanova S.A. Ideas and doings of Russian Orthodoxy church hierarchs in Central Asia (Saint Looka and
Bishop Vladimir cases)
Razhepaeva F.Z. The Fate of Crimean Tartars: their resettlement and distribution in Kazakhstan
Rajabov K. The struggle for independence in Turkistan and Islamic factor
Abidov D.T. Uzbekistan chooses the secular way of development
Volobueva M.M. Confessional-territorial evolution of Islam in Russia
Kakaeva O.V. Ethno-cultural Renaissance of Northern Altai peoples: "Tyryk bayram"
Mamanazarov N. The peculiarities of ethno-political integration of Central Asian republics
Knyazev A.A., Sulaimanova L. Afghan Kyrgyzen: historical-linguistic
aspects of area settling
Socio-demographic problems
Qasimov F.K. Bukharans in Siberia
Anisimova I.V. Reglamentation of Kazakh migration to Altai mauntain region in 1850s
Datsishen V.G. Chinese in Tuva during civil war and post-war settlement (1917 - 1925)
Kalieva K.S. Early experience of sensuses in Kazakhstan (1897 - 1926 sensuses data analysis)
Krasnobaeva N.L. The reasons and consequences of famine 1921-22 in Kazakhstan
Kadatskaya N.V. German Diaspora in Kazakhstan in second half of XX (ethno-social aspects)
Galimova A.K. The Kazakhstan republic's experience in regulating repatriation of ethnic Kazakhs
Guzhvenko Yu.N. Migration situation in Eastern Kazakhstan
Tarasova E.V. Migration ties of Kazakhstan and Western Siberia
Grigorichev K.V. Altai region in the system of migration ties with Kazakhstan
Eshiev A.K. Gender problems in Central Asia: the ways of resolving
Xinjiang at the crossroads of epochs: domestic and external aspects of development
Khudyakov Yu.S., Komissarov S.A. The ethnical and cultural genesis of nomads in Eatern Turkistan:
the main features
Moiseev V.A. Jungharia, Russia, and Kazakhs in the first half of XVIII
Moiseev S.V. Boundary issue in Russia-Jettishar relations
Shemetova T.A. The Establishment of trade-economical and political relations between Soviet Russia
and Xinjiang in 1917 - 1920
Nazemtseva E.N. Conflict in Chinese-Eastern railway and the state of White emigration in Xinjiang
(from released documents of RF Foreign Policy Archive)
Barmin V.A. On some issues of Soviet trade-economical policy in Xinjiang in 1934 - 1938
Larin A.G. Separatism in Xinijang
Omeltshenko O.A. Xinijang - Central Asian republics: the features of economic cooperation
Hu Hunpin. Trade-economical relations of Xinjiang and Central Asian states