Democratic Trends in Contemporary Afghanistan
(An abstract) Vladimir Boyko This paper aims to shed light on a little-known and ill-investigated quazi-democratic experiment in Afghanistan, localized by Herat area and dated by 1929 - early 1930s. The failure of Amir Amanullah reforms (1919-1929) resulted in the split of Afghanistan for several centers of power: Tajik rebel B.Saqao "Kabulistan", Amanullah "national government" in Kandahar, turbulent Southern and Eastern provinces, coalitional Afghan North by minorities and, finally, "Herat Republic" by Abdul Rahim.The latter, being formally loyal to Saqavists, actually introduced in Herat an authonomous self-governance, that allowed him to maintain along than civil war (Inqilab 1929) socio-economical and political balance within large border area.The political set-up of "Herat Republic", as Rahim himself labeled it, had been lined by his charismatic leadership, counterbalanced by newly-established mejlis (parliament) with dominating clergy and local upper groups. This system also took into account some public opinion: through legalized activities of local progressists, selective initiative from below, etc. Rahim tended to populist measures and jestures (ban of bribery, balanced national policies). Herat version of democracy was strongly undermined by functioning of Sharia courts with their middle-ages punishments, the oppression of Shias. All these and the entire shortcomings of Herat experience didn't questioned the fact, that it was this area/community/leadership that survived the challenges of civil war with minimal economical and human losses. This kind and case of regionalism in Afghanistan didn't meant the return back, it exemplified more the self-governing potential of developed areas, such as Herat. Rahim also kept his position under new regime by Nadir Khan, basically following the same independent line. He questioned the legitimacy of "nadirat" and its ability to restore civil order and national economy. Finally, due Soviet behind-the-scene intermediatory activities and because of changing situation in Kabul and periphery Herat ruler was peacefully and honorably integrated into central leadership. |