V.B. Borodajev (on the left), A.V. Kontev (on the right)
Scientific-historical part of the project
Borodajev Vadim Borisovitsh - graduated the historical faculty at the Altai State University in 1979. The field
of scientifical interests: archaeology of Southern Siberia, history of the Upper Ob-side
in the XVII-XVIIIth century.
Research assistant of the Historical region studies Laboratory at the BSPU.
Main published works (Russuan language only)
Kontev Arkadij Vassilievitsh - graduated the historical faculty at the BSPU in 1993.
In 1997 he defended a thesis with the theme "Making and development
of the mining-metallurgical industry in Southern Siberia in the end of the XVII - the first half of the XVIIIth century.".
Researh assistant of the Historical region studies Laboratory,
reader of the domestic history chair at the BSPU.
The field of scientific interests: history of the Upper Ob-side in XVII-XVIIIth century.
Main published works (Russuan language only)