Beginning of the part
The first half of the XVIIth century
The second half of the XVIIth century
The first half of the XVIIIth century
The second half of the XVIIIth century
The second half of the XIXth century
Beginning of the XXth century
Since the 2d quarter of the XVIIIth century till the 3d quarter of the XIXth century
the economical base of the region was the mining-meatallurgical industry, based
on the forced labour of workmen and peasants. The obligatory condition of succesful
work was hard depending of workmen on the mining administration. The duty to perform
some obligations, determined by the authorities, was placed on children from workmen and peasant
families since childhood. They could not refuse factory work and the more so that
they could not get rid of mining authorities.
The reform of the year 1861, which rescinded the serfdom in Russia, changed suddenly
the social-ecinomical situation in Altai. The result of the reform was the emancipation
of workmen and peasants from the obligatory work off. Now the workman could stay
on the factory only on his own free will and concerning his contract with the administration.
It led to the increase in expenditure and rise in price in productivity. The Cabinet
mining industry experienced the depression. Since the 1870-s the silver smelting
industry was unprifitable. The tries to modernize the works were a failure.
The old machinery, high expenditures and low labour productivity led to the reduction in
smelting of precious metals. In 1839 the leading silver melting factories were
closed. Since 1896 the Altai district was not "mining" any more.
The private capitalist economy in the district in the second half of the XIXth
century also was damaged by the feudal survivals. It laged behind Europian Russia
qualitatively and quantitatively. The hard control prevented the development of
private industry. For example, the open factories with "fiery operations", where firewood
was used, which was neccessary for metallurgical factories. The social- economical
reforms caused the abrogation of some rules. Since 1862 the Cabinet allowed
the foundation of wine business. Among the leading works several are to be mentioned:
sheepskin-fur-coat industry and the first in Russia soda factory, on which the owner
M. Prang used the steam engine in 1887. But in the whole the pre-industrial industry
During the second half of the XIXth century the importance of agriculture increased.
To the end of the century this branch became leader.
During the time of reforms the Altai territory became one of the main regions,
where the landowners settled. The great vast territories attracted the settler's attention.
The census taken in 1897 showed that thanks to numerous resettlements the number of Altai
population increasedthree times and made 1326 thousands men.